Sunday, August 16, 2015

The Day Before

It's the day before school starts, and the doubts are rolling in like the ocean waves I wish I was standing in today. Did I get everything ready? Do I have enough planned for the week? Am I really ready for this?

I am sitting here thinking about the list of things to print in the morning. My class rosters,  the sign up form for the office, and myriad other things that teachers have to do. It will all get done, but if it doesn't will they know? Of course not.

Tomorrow, they will be in a world of what changed this year?  Who's new today? Talking to friends that have only been a text for three long months. Absorbed in the business of being teenagers, they will just be excited to be back.

I am going to enjoy watching the ebb and flow of chaos settle into the routine of learning. The dance of the teenage hormones that is highlighted by makeups and breakups will play out to the tune of crying on my shoulder or anger in my classroom or elation that the special someone finally asked me out. The I can't do this; I got my phone out because I was finished; and my reminding them from across the room that the only reason one smiles at one's glowing lap is because the phone is out. 

The madness of 150 teenagers a day is about to erupt into my life again, and if I said I dread it, I would be lying to you. Bring on the groans because we are reading Shakespeare today, the I can't think of anything to writes, and the he said he doesn't love me anymores (as if ninth graders know about love). I am ready for it all. It's time to bring the Timberwolves back.

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