Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Dating Game

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single teacher in possession of good students must be in want of a husband. (Paraphrase Jane Austen).

The first week of school is always a little slow as kids catch up with each other and with what has happened to their teachers during the summer. As some of you know, there is a a group of my students that I fondly refer to as the Ms. Rounds Manhunt Society. Well, today the tenth grade chapter decided it was time for a meeting in my second period class.

In the middle of impromptu speeches about what happened this summer and one girl telling how she had broke up with one boyfriend and promptly picked up another, I hear a voice asking, " Ms Rounds have you found a man yet?"
I almost had time to give my normal reply of "you know I don't need another pet" before I start hearing discussion of my lack of a husband and students questioning why would you ask that. So instead I told the class that several members of the Society were in the room.

The conversation continues as follows:

Student 1: I found you a new guy that I'm going to set you up with.

Student 2: Who is it.

1: Billy Goat. (No. Really, this is the real name!)

2. Oh, you'll like him. He's nice.

Me: Seriously? His name is Billy Goat.

1: It's his nick name.

Me: (incredulously) Billy Goat? OMG.

Chorus of He's awesome. He's really cute. You'll like him. ( It seems several people in my class know Mr. Goat)

Me: (Looking very perplexed) Guys, really. This getting out of control.

1: You should let us set you up. He's got a really nice house, and drives a Corvette.

Me: (because they know I love fast cars) Hmmm....a Corvette. Tell me more.

Everyone laughs.

1:  I know you just saying that to be funny, but you know we are going to find you a man.

Bell rings. Yeah! I'm saved from the Manhunt Society by the bell.

1 and 2 on the way out the door. Maybe we should set her up with.........

And so it continues........

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