Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Morning Reflection

          This morning is Christmas. As I started my day, I thought about that day over two thousand years ago. The news of the Savior's birth must have been starting to spread. After all, there were all of those angels singing loudly last night. And, why are all of these sheppards in town? They must have been hearing the news and celebrated this birth just as we are doing today. With this child, promises were being fulfilled.

           I wanted to take a picture of this dawn that is having a bit of a rocky start. Clouds are looming over head fortelling the coming rain, reminding me of the clouds of a few days ago that hid the mountains during the storms. These storms destroyed lives and homes, but today is a promise of a place where the storms of life, both real and metaphorical, cannot touch us anymore. An eternal home where we will be safe with our Savior. 

           As I stand on my porch, I begin to think of my friends who are in the midst of those metaphorical storms. They are facing cancer and other diseases, sick children, missing children. I pray that God will fulfill their needs today as  He has done for me in the past. I know that the child whose birth I will celebrate today can give peace, comfort, strengh, and answers. It is a part of His promise to me.     

           Turning to go back into the house, I see the mountain that was obscured by clouds a few days before. The other mountains are bathed in gloom, but this one is lit by the rising sun. The promise of sunlight after the storms.

            I see what you did there God. A little "Good morning. I heard your prayer." A reminder that the mountain made it through those storms, so will we. And after the storm, the Light of the World is waiting. All of this because we celebrate that promised child born so long ago. Happy birthday, Jesus.